Anna Plyusnina
Artist and photographer from St. Petersburg, Russia. Works as a photographer, teacher of photography courses for children and adolescents. It is supposed to work on documentary and social projects. Interested in dark childhood and adolescence. Also works with topics of isolation, the connection of man and nature.
It was published in the following publications: «Заповедник», «Regnum», «Republic», «Такие дела», «Private», «The Calvert Journal», «СТОЛ» and others.
- 2019-2020 Documentary photography and photojournalism at DocDocDoc
- 2018-2019 Academy «Photography»
- 2015-2016 Institute of Photojournalists, Faculty of Photojournalists named after Yu.A. Galperin
- 2012-2014 Section «Creative Photography» of the Student Club of the Youth Center of the State Hermitage Museum
- 2010-2015 Herzen State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Fine Arts
— 2023 Winner of the international Bartur Photo Award
— 2021 Laureate of the international Bartur Photo Award, the works are presented at the Berlin Photography Week
— 2020 Laureate of the International Biennale of Photography PhotoVisa «Memory: War and Peace»
— 2020 Finalist of the reportage photography competition «Named after Alexander Efremov»
— 2020 Finalist of the «Young Photographers of Russia» competition, participant of a group exhibition
— 2019 Finalist of the «Young Photographers of Russia» competition, participant of a group exhibition
Exhibitions and festivals:
— 2020 / All-Russian Festival «Young Photographers of Russia» / Kaluga
- 2019 / All-Russian Festival «Young Photographers of Russia» / Kaluga
- 2019 / Exhibition of the best diploma works / Gallery «Photograph», St. Petersburg
- 2019 / Exhibition «Future» / Gallery «Photograph», St. Petersburg
- 2017 / Photo exhibition following the results of the contest «Through the Eyes of the Northerners» / Murmansk
- 2016 / Exhibition of works by the faculty of photojournalists named after Yu.A. Galperin / Karla Bulla Gallery, St. Petersburg
- 2015 / Exhibition of diploma works of the Faculty of Photojournalists named after Yu.A. Halperin / Karla Bulla Gallery, St. Petersburg
- 2015 / Participation in the Russian project «Hepatitis C» participation in the exhibition, conference.
- 2015 / Participation in a charity exhibition in support of the «Anton is nearby» fund.
- 2014 / Joint photo project of the Parsons Youth Center and School of Design (New York, USA). «Still life. Modern Interpretations «/ The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
- 2014 / «Youth of St. Petersburg» Beginning «/ St. Petersburg Union of Artists
- 2014 / Baltic Biennale of Art Books / Central Exhibition Hall of the Russian National Library, St. Petersburg
- 2013 / Joint photo project of the Parsons Youth Center and School of Design (New York, USA). «Fear. Modern Interpretations «/ The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
- 2013 / Personal exhibition of works within the framework of the program «Square of intellectual entertainment» / Library named after Mayakovsky Youth
- 2013 / Exhibition of Young Artists «From Earth to Sky» / Smolny Cathedral, St. Petersburg
- 2013 / «General Headquarters: the era of change» / State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
- 2013 / «Youth of St. Petersburg» Beginning «/ St. Petersburg Union of Artists
- 2012 / «Marine Glory — St. Petersburg» / SPbSU Water Communications
- 2012 / «Transfiguration Island» / Solovetsky State Museum-Reserve
- 2012 / Joint photo project of the Parsons Youth Center and School of Design (New York, USA). «Love. Modern Interpretations «/ The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg